Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Part 2

Barb and Ron were a little disappointed to say the least that I was only staying with them for a night. I would have stayed longer but I stayed at home Wednesday night to go to dinner with my high school class mates. We went to dinner at our favorite Angio's. It was great to catch up with the girls. We shared a bottle of wine minus Candice because she is pregnant. The food was great, the company amazing, and wine only makes it better.

Barb and I spent Friday morning together. We went to Port Huron and tried to find a dress for me to wear to meet Patrick's parents. I found one at Target on Thursday in Mt. P that I thought was great but decided to not buy it. Big mistake. We went to Target today and they had NONE of the style of dress I was looking for. Well we continued to look as Barb made some returns to other stores, but nothing matched the looks of that first dress. I think we went to 5 stores or more total. Luckily for me Barb loves shopping and is very patient. I ended up not getting a dress and decided to wait til I got to Chesterfield Townships where I would be visiting with my old roommate Chelsea S. My plan was that no matter what I would have to get a dress there.

After shopping around for a while Barb took me out to Olive Garden for a light lunch. It was really nice we had the soup, salad, and breadsticks. I had some kind of soup with mini dumplings and that was really good.

Once we finished lunch we ran to Kohls where I didn't find anything I liked and then OFF TO SAM'S CLUB. I got stocked up on food so Chelsea Y and I would have food for a while.

After Sam's Barb and I headed back to her house and packed the food and NINE BOTTLES OF WINE into my car. Barb sure does know how to spoil a girl eh? We managed to shove alot of stuff into small spaces in the car and I had ALOT more room then I thought I would. After packing I head off to Chesterfield Township.

There I ate some more food (Jimmy Johns) which was great. Chelsea and I hung out with her family for a little bit then I asked her to take me to target to find a dress. First thing I saw when I walked in was my dress! Score! I bought went into the bathroom and changed. It was so hott and muggy that I was happy to have a little bit of a breeze. Next we went to Old Navy so Chelsea S could look for some polos for her new job at a car dealership. She found a couple and I found a CUTE cardigan that was originally 35 and was on sale for 15 how awesome. After  that we went back to her house and said our good byes and I was on the road AGAIN!

Now I was off to Chelsea Michigan to see Patrick and at this point in time I found out that I HATE city driving and that Google Maps hates me. I printed off directions that lead me through every rush hour spot possible. I literally went 10 miles an hour for and hour total. Terrible drive but it was totally worth it.

I totally drove by the big house on the way through Ann Arbor that was the only highlight of my trip through the area

I meet Patricks parents I really hope they like me and the four of us went to dinner in Hell. HAHAH Hell Michigan. I forgot to get a picture when I was there. There we ran into a couple of his buddies and we hung out with them for the rest of the night at a pole barn party and other bonfire. I, of course had changed into jeans and my cowboy boots.

Feels great to not have to travel for a couple days.

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